Congratulations to Charles Michener, the 2022 Appie of the Year!


The Appie of the Year award was presented by Nominating Committee Chair Henry Schreiber at the New York-North Jersey Chapter’s Annual Meeting on November 30.

The Appie award is for an individual who gives selflessly of him/herself for the good of the Appalachian Mountain Club; one who works tirelessly, often behind the scenes, organizing, leading in fact and by example; someone who has served in this manner for several years, thus over time continuing this commitment; an active volunteer, rather than someone who served well in the past, or for a limited time. The Appie exemplifies what is best about the volunteer ethic that makes our Club, and particularly our Chapter, so special.

Nominated for decades of service to AMC

“Charles has served nearly 20 years, repairing our boats and hearts in our fleet of growing paddlers of the NY-NoJ chapter.

His pride in the club and his warmth and generosity brings in kayakers, quiet water folk, whitewater experts, and canoeists of every shape and size. He served with the Inter-Chapter Paddling committee to propose, promote, and select worthy conservation projects. He served as the Canoe and Kayak Committee Chair, encouraging DEI awareness and more than one successful program to showcase and integrate persons of color and of all ages. He is watchfully guiding the transition from the Youth Program to continue paddling opportunities for the less privileged, stoking the training and confidence of leaders in that former arm of AMC. 

Charles’s passion is spotting and training leaders, and promoting instruction for safety and access to the astounding sport of paddling in all its flavors.He has led multi-day trips as leader and support boater to promote the wonderful Adirondack Park, as well as streams and rivers far and wide.

His policies and decisions have guided our award-winning publication, Paddle Splashes, which has helped buoy interest in working with AMC’s Mark Zakutansky and AWA to expand Mongaup Pond releases in Sullivan County, New York, and appreciation of that area, and Esopus Creek inter-club committees, to continue attention on the safety and continuity of releases, which help the economy of the Catskills region.

Charles has promoted partnerships with many regional clubs to augment our mutual strengths, and assist each other in our gaps. He also successfully completed a partnership to train Bergen Community College NJ Outing Club folk. 

Lately, his guiding increased Young Members participation with SUPs, along with Volunteer Relations Manager Justin Bailey. Most of all, in his years leading as Quartermaster, Equipment Chair, CKC Committee Chair, Instructional Chair and so much more, he leads by example and grows the community by generous outreach.

We would not be the incredibly far-reaching, long-lived, thriving special club that it is without Charles Michener.”


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