Longtime Leader Steve Galla Named Hiking Committee Chair

Hiking Chair Steve Galla

Hiking Chair Steve Galla


Congratulations to Steve Galla, who has been elected leader of the Hike Committee. Galla, who had been serving as the Committee’s Vice Chair, is a retired New York City school teacher who joined the AMC in 2004.

An active hike leader, he also served as Chair of the Hiking Committee from March 2007 through March 2009 and as Interim Chair of the Committee from February 2011 to August 2012.

Here’s a snapshot of Galla’s plans for the role:

What motivated you to take on the position?
“I’m glad to take on these responsibilities. I feel qualified and energetic and above all, I have a fabulous team of experienced and motivated volunteers to work with. It is my honor to serve AMC and devote my time and effort to make a difference.”

What are your goals for the Hike Committee?
“My goals are to seek out and add qualified hike leaders to our hiking committee and encourage lots of hikes. I am committed to the principles of DEI and I am currently reaching out to leaders who can introduce hiking to underserved communities within our coverage area. We have a reservoir of recent AMC-sponsored leadership trainees who need to become full AMC Hike Leaders. We’ve already begun the process of including them.”

Interested in getting involved with the Hiking Committee? Contact Galla at hiking@amc-ny.org

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