Executive Committee Responsibilities
The Executive Committee (ExComm) is responsible for managing the Chapter’s administrative affairs in accordance with the Chapter’s and Club’s bylaws, operating procedures, and policies, as well as coordinating those areas of Chapter operations which are not managed by a separate activity or program committee. Responsibilities also include developing the Chapter’s annual budget, appointing chairs of the Chapter’s committees, ensuring the AMC’s Vision and Mission is implemented at the local level, and developing and managing opportunities for people to Be Outdoors.
The Executive Committee is composed of seven elected member and five ex-officio members. Elected members are: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Activities Liaison, Communications Liaison, and Facilities and Services Liaison. Chairs of the Conservation Committee; Community Engagement Committee; the Leadership Committee; and the Membership Committee are ex-officio voting members of the Executive Committee. The Mid-Atlantic Regional Director is a non-voting ex-officio member.
Nominations and elections of Chapter members to the Executive Committee are handled by the Chapter’s Nominating Committee. Elected Executive Committee members assume office immediately upon election at the Chapter Annual Meeting ordinarily held in mid-November.
All members are welcome to attend Executive Committee meetings, which are usually held the evening of the second Tuesday of the month (except for July and August), at the local AMC office, but, from time to time might be held at a different location or time. Check with the Chapter Chair for the location. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, since March, 2020, the Executive Committee meetings have been held via Zoom.