Fire Island Cabin is Hiring

The Fire Island Cabin Committee has decided to hire someone full time to manage the facility beginning in May and ending mid-October.  Part of the reason, says chair Crystal Williams, is to provide a more consistent experience for visitors from one week to the next.  Here’s the job posting:   Fire Island Cabin

Sheee’s Baaack!

Joe Nigro

With over 40 years’ experience leading AMC outings, you’d be hard pressed to find a hike leader who knows Hudson Valley trails and parks better than Joe Nigro. Or one who leads as many hikes each year to member-favorite destinations in the Hudson Highlands or Fahnestock. Yet what many people who hike with Joe for […]

Anastasia Tavarez

From a childhood in the Dominican Republic to her current life in New York City, Anastasia Tavarez has always enjoyed the outdoors.  However, like so many of us, career and family obligations always seemed to get in the way of active, organized participation. But it’s never too late, and in 2020 Anastasia took the plunge […]

Report From the 2024 AMC Annual Summit