
Finding Tom Seaver: July 2020 ride to Citifield

The Bicycle Committee of the New York-North Jersey Chapter organizes rides which are typically at a leisurely pace of 10-12 m.p.h., and there are generally not a lot of steep hills on the routes.  Our Chapter bike rides are (mostly) designed with plenty of stops for photos and bathroom breaks and snacks.   They’re usually along protected bicycle lanes and dedicated bicycle paths and trails, although on almost every ride there will be times when we’ll need to share the road with cars and trucks; there’s just no avoiding it in our area.  Our rides differ from those of other bicycle clubs in that participants will being their lunches and we’ll find a nice spot to have lunch

Most of the time we’ll be riding on relatively flat roads, although on every trip there will at least be modest hills where you’ll be working hard and your heart will get pumping. The trip write-up will describe exactly what you can expect on the ride. Check AMC’s Activities Database for upcoming rides.

What equipment is required for rides?

Helmets which meet federal Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) certification standards are required, and a rider’s experience must be comparable to the trip level.  Participants must ensure prior to the ride that their bicycle and equipment are in good working order.  Please check your tire pressure, in particular, and that your brake pads are not worn out and are properly adjusted brakes.

How challenging will the ride be?

Every bicycle ride will have a detailed description of its mileage, type of terrain, elevation gain, and so forth. In addition, the trip write-up will note which difficulty the ride falls into based on the AMC’s Activity Difficulty Rating System.

Activity Level Moving Time (Up to___Hours) Distance (Up to __Miles) Average Moving Speed (__ miles per hour) Elevation (Up to ___feet) Rise (__Feet per Mile)
Relaxed 3 25 8.3 1000 40
Easy 4 35 8.8 2000 57
Moderate 4 45 11.3 3000 67
Vigorous 5 60 12.0 4500 75
Strenuous 6 80 13.0 7000 88
Randalls Island wriggle

Randalls Island bicycle path

Become a bicycle leader

The Bicycle Committee’s New Leader Coordinator is Skip Doyle, who can be reached at  Contact Skip to discuss the process of becoming a bicycle leader and how you can get in on the excitement!   Skip will work with you personally and guide you step by step through the process, which is:

1. Successfully complete the AMC Leadership Training course offered several times throughout the year (note: this program can be completed during the ‘skills’ training portion of the Bicycle Leadership training program; it is not a prerequisite)

2. Co-lead two rides with someone who is already a bicycling leader, and pay attention.

3. Scout and plan a ride on your own, submit a ride listing to the Activities Database, and conduct the trip according to the AMC’s Leader Requirements and Guidelines, the Outdoor Leader Handbook, the Code of Conduct, and all other club rules, under the guidance of an experienced, qualified New York-North Jersey Chapter bicycling day-ride leader.

4. Demonstrate reasonable mastery of important leader skills, including the “soft skills” of being an AMC leader (making participants feel welcomed on the ride, and being part of the group; maintaining group cohesion and an espirit de corps

4. Complete a ‘check ride’ with the Bicycle Committee chair or designee.

Bicycle Leader Level 3 Requirements

In order to attain a Level 3 designation, leaders must:

5. Be an AMC member in good standing and support the mission and vision of the AMC.

6. Have successfully completed a ride leader training program offered by a dedicated bicycle club, such as the Westchester Bicycle Club (WCC), 5 Boro Bicycle Club (5BBC), New York Cycle Club (NYCC), or similar group, and have attained full leader status in that club.

7. Have participated in group bicycle rides for at least one year (minimum 12 rides and 2 different groups.)

8. Have participated in various types of activities or programs with AMC (minimum 6 events) and internalize “the AMC way” as it relates to group programs and activities.

A person also needs to be experienced in the type of ride they intend to lead.  For example, cyclists may have a lifetime of bicycling experience, but if that experience consists exclusively of mountain bicycling, that person could not lead a ride which navigates along city streets.

A basic first aid course is recommended, but not required. The Bicycle Committee will reimburse leaders for the cost of the first aid course.

Note: the AMC Leadership Training Program does not need to be taken as the first step in the process.

Bicycle Leader First Aid Training Reimbursement Policy

First Aid training is recommended, but not required, for bicycle leaders.  The Bicycle Committee encourages its leaders to take the Adult First Aid/CPR/AED class offered by the American Red Cross.  The Red Cross offers its programs frequently, and at many locations, in the New York-North Jersey area.  The Bicycle Committee will reimburse its leaders for the cost of the program, and may also reimburse ancillary expenses (travel, meals; other) at the discretion of the Bicycle Committee chair.  In all cases, leaders must communicate with the Bicycle Committee chair prior to registering for the class so that everyone is clear as to which costs and expenses will be reimbursed.

Explore bikepacking

Bikepacking is an activity which combines elements of bicycling, hiking, backpacking, and traditional car camping. It’s easy! Strap your backpacking gear onto your bicycle, and head off to the campground. Now you’re bikepacking.

Some bikepacking trips are run as “backpacking, with a bicycle,” while others are run as “car camping, with a bicycle.” Which means that some events will involve 4-6 miles of cycling to a campsite, and then setting up camp, followed by hiking. Other trips will ride many more miles each day on the bicycle, perhaps 25 to 65, before setting up camp for the evening.

If a cycling ride involves an overnight component, it will be listed as a “backpacking” activity for AMC purposes, since the trip leader will necessarily have to be certified by the Backpacking Committee due to the additional skills required to lead the trip successfully.